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Beckett Corp.

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An Introduction to Renewable Green Fuels

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Apr 16, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Historically, the heating and combustion industry has had a significant impact on our environment, through both fuel production and emission. However, as the demand for cleaner fuel alternatives has continued to increase, new heating alternative have begun to emerge in the form of green heating fuels. Namely, renewable diesel and biodiesel have developed in order to act as substitutes for traditional petroleum-based heating fuels. These fuels bring both benefits and challenges to the industry. In this post, we'll provide an introduction to renewable green fuels and how their development is impacting the heating industry.

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Topics: Green Fuels, Biodiesel, Biofuels

An Overview of Electronic Igniters

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Apr 9, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Within the heating system, the solid-state electronic igniter provides one of the most crucial elements required for automatic comfort: the spark needed for ignition. When the electronic igniter is properly installed and serviced, the component will ensure that the burner will work effectively so the rest of the system provides heat efficiently and dependably. In this post, we'll give you a complete overview of electronic igniters, from the basics to the features to the evolution of the component's technology.

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Topics: Igniters

An Overview of Oil and Gas Burners

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Apr 2, 2020 10:00:00 AM

The burner is a crucial piece of every oil or gas heating system, as it supplies the energy needed to provide automatic comfort to a residence or commercial space. The burner is attached to a heating appliance, water heater, or boiler to heat air or water. However, while these basic functions are the same across both oil and gas burners, there are several distinct differences between the two in terms of how they function and how their designs came to be. In this guide, we'll give you a high-level overview of oil and gas burners, their main functions, and how their designs changed over time in order to adapt to the changing demands of heating systems and customers.

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Topics: Burner, Gas Burners, Oil Burners

Guide to Primary Controls in Today's Heating Systems

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Mar 26, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Every component of the heating system plays an important role in safe and efficient operation. In particular, the primary control acts as one of the system's key components, especially when it comes to safe operation. In general, the primary control functions as an oversight for the entire heating system, with the ability to start or stop the burner run cycle if an issue is detected. By taking this monitoring responsibility and automating it with the primary control, heating systems have become much safer in modern times. In this guide, we'll give you an overview of primary controls in today's heating systems and how they function.

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Topics: Primary Controls

The Most Popular Home Heating Fuel Types

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Mar 19, 2020 10:00:00 AM

As a homeowner, it's incredibly important to be informed on the type of heating system your home uses in order to keep your household safe and efficient. At the same time, understanding the other types of fuels that might be available to you and the features and benefits they might bring to your family could potentially improve your lifestyle, help you save money, or even allow you to contribute to the environment in healthier ways. No matter what your purpose might be, you'll need some resources and guidance to help with your research, and that's where Beckett comes in. In this guide, we'll give you an overview of the most popular home heating fuel types and provide further resources to help you compare and understand each of the most common residential fuel systems today.

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Topics: Heating Types, Home Heating, Residential Heating Fuels

A Firsthand History of RW Beckett

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Mar 11, 2020 10:00:00 AM

While the RW Beckett we know today is the North American market leader in combustion products used in heating, cleaning equipment, and other applications, the company, like many others, came from humble beginnings over 80 years ago. What began as an idea and developed into a small family company now has a presence in more than 50 million US homes, bringing comfort and safety to homeowners across the country. While there were challenges and growing pains to overcome along the way, Beckett has managed to continue to grow and innovate while rising to the top of the heating and combustion industry. For a better understanding of Beckett's history and evolution as a company, we sat down with Chairman John Beckett as he reflected on his 57 years with the business and beyond.

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Topics: Beckett News

Leading the Industry with Excellence: RW Beckett's Company Culture

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Feb 26, 2020 10:00:00 AM

In today's marketplace, one of the determining factors of a company's success is the standards for excellence that the business is willing to set and pursue in every decision and action. At RW Beckett, the company's leadership has built its reputation for excellence by creating a company culture that influences every interaction the company has with its customers. Chairman John Beckett and his leadership team have made it their mission to instill the necessary core values into the company's personnel and processes in order to continue Beckett's long legacy of excellence.

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Topics: Beckett News

Introduction to the myTechnician™ App

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Feb 12, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Mobile technology has put a lot of power (and responsibility) into the hands of today's consumers. In the heating and combustion industry in particular, customers can be more connected to both their fuel providers and their storage tanks than ever thanks to mobile apps and other innovative resources. That's why one of the main components of the BeckettLink® Connected Tank Gauge (CTG) system is the myTechnician™ customer app, which comes with a variety of features that put the customer in control of their own tank levels, alerts, and more. Through this app, the monitoring of fuel levels becomes a joint venture of the dealer and the customer together. In this post, we'll give you an introduction to the myTechnician™ app and it's most important features, as well as explain how the app helps improve customer safety and satisfaction.

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Topics: Connected Tank Gauge

BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard Features and Benefits

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Dec 25, 2019 10:00:00 AM

With a connected tank gauge (CTG) system, fuel technicians and dealers can stay better connected to their customers than ever before. Specifically, with the BeckettLink® CTG system, not only can you and your team monitor the oil tanks of your customers remotely using the ultrasonic tank gauge and Bluetooth® hub, but you can also access and organize much more tank information and logistics using the BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard. Because the dashboard is only available to registered oil dealers and HVAC contractors, you'll have all the customer information you need, on demand and at your fingertips. In this post, we'll give you a full introduction to the BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard features and benefits you should know about.

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Topics: Connected Tank Gauge

Introduction to the BeckettLink® WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub

Posted by Beckett Corp. on Dec 18, 2019 10:00:00 AM

To make the most of a digital tank gauge device, you need to be sure that the entire connected tank gauge system is designed for convenience and efficiency. While the tank gauge itself may be the star of the BeckettLink® system in the eyes of some, it couldn't fulfill its purpose without the support of the WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub component. The hub, as its name suggests, provides the central connection that allows the rest of the system components to communicate and interact with each other. In this post, we'll give an introduction to the BeckettLink® WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub, the role it plays in the connected tank gauge system, and the significance of its Bluetooth® capabilities.

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Topics: Connected Tank Gauge

The Beckett Blog

Heating and Combustion

Welcome to the R.W. Beckett Heating and Combustion blog, where both industry professionals and homeowners can learn more about the fuels and technologies that deliver heat to homes and commercial properties across the country. Our articles are backed by 80+ years of expertise and experience in the combustion market.

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