Mobile technology has put a lot of power (and responsibility) into the hands of today's consumers. In the heating and combustion industry in particular, customers can be more connected to both their fuel providers and their storage tanks than ever thanks to mobile apps and other innovative resources. That's why one of the main components of the BeckettLink® Connected Tank Gauge (CTG) system is the myTechnician™ customer app, which comes with a variety of features that put the customer in control of their own tank levels, alerts, and more. Through this app, the monitoring of fuel levels becomes a joint venture of the dealer and the customer together. In this post, we'll give you an introduction to the myTechnician™ app and it's most important features, as well as explain how the app helps improve customer safety and satisfaction.
BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard Features and Benefits
With a connected tank gauge (CTG) system, fuel technicians and dealers can stay better connected to their customers than ever before. Specifically, with the BeckettLink® CTG system, not only can you and your team monitor the oil tanks of your customers remotely using the ultrasonic tank gauge and Bluetooth® hub, but you can also access and organize much more tank information and logistics using the BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard. Because the dashboard is only available to registered oil dealers and HVAC contractors, you'll have all the customer information you need, on demand and at your fingertips. In this post, we'll give you a full introduction to the BeckettLink® Dealer Dashboard features and benefits you should know about.
Topics: Connected Tank Gauge
Introduction to the BeckettLink® WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub
To make the most of a digital tank gauge device, you need to be sure that the entire connected tank gauge system is designed for convenience and efficiency. While the tank gauge itself may be the star of the BeckettLink® system in the eyes of some, it couldn't fulfill its purpose without the support of the WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub component. The hub, as its name suggests, provides the central connection that allows the rest of the system components to communicate and interact with each other. In this post, we'll give an introduction to the BeckettLink® WiFi/Bluetooth® Hub, the role it plays in the connected tank gauge system, and the significance of its Bluetooth® capabilities.
Topics: Connected Tank Gauge
History and Evolution of Connected Tank Gauge Technology
Since the beginning of the heating and combustion industry as we know it today, manufacturers, fuel companies, and more have always been working to improve fuel systems for more reliable comfort and better performing systems. Due to this innovative momentum, many advancements have been made in heating technology to create a more efficient, effective system. One of the most revolutionary developments in fuel tank technology in the past several decades is the emergence of the connected tank gauge (CTG). The purpose of a connected tank gauge is to provide automated tank level readings and provide fuel alerts to fuel distributors and consumers as well. As manufacturers have continued to improve their appliances over time, CTG systems have become one of the most important pieces of an optimally-performing heating system. In this post, we'll discuss the history and evolution of connected tank gauge technology at its roots and as we know it today.
Topics: Connected Tank Gauge
BeckettLink® Connected Tank Gauge System Features
The newest innovation in fuel tank technology from the R.W. Beckett family of companies is the BeckettLink® Connect Tank Gauge system. The system is comprised of four components that keep both the fuel dealer and the customer up to date on important tank information. These components including the tank gauge, WiFi hub, Dealer Dashboard web-based portal, and the BeckettLink® customer app. Thanks to the technology built into the BeckettLink® system, the connected tank gauge allows users to track fuel levels, schedule deliveries, and receive important fuel alerts anytime and from anywhere.
Topics: Heating Technologies, Connected Tank Gauge
While heating and combustion technology is always changing and developing, the newest system technologies are nearly all delving into the digital field. Over the past several years, several manufacturers have realized the true value of staying connected to their customers via the internet. Therefore, the WiFi connected tank gauge has emerged in the heating market to the benefit of both the manufacturers and their customers. In this post, we'll give you an introduction to connected tank gauges for heating and combustion and explain the benefits of WiFi communication between the the system, the customer, and the manufacturer.
Topics: Connected Tank Gauge